Monday, May 12, 2008

Picking It Up

I'm following Jim Dolan's blog in Runners World and his marathon training routine in 2008. This weekend, I ran 10x400 on Saturday and was fast, running 1:25's to 1:30's because they felt right, and my goal was 1:34's to 1:38's. Then I ran 10 miles easy on Sunday, and felt good enough to pick it up from the probably 12:00's I was running to maybe 10:00's for about a mile or two in the second half. But I bonked somewhere in there and dropped back. I think what made the extra energy possible is missing an 8-mile easy run last Wednesday due to work. My weight is still up, for me is at 209. All is still well, I feel good and can handle the sudden new routine.

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