Thursday, May 29, 2008


Note that the Bushies aren't hammering the facts that McClellan is laying out, they are attacking him as a person. It is typical of them; in this and many cases this means that the facts aren't in their favor.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

No Go Today

Well I couldn't handle the 6x8:00 today, I realized I couldn't in the 3rd interval, so I stopped and will rest for today. Lots of gardening yesterday and I was tired. I ran 10 on Sunday, 3x10:00 on Saturday, my water class on Thursday, 8 easy on Wednesday, and 6x8:00 last Tuesday. A good week last week, but a tired start to this week...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Attack the Right from the Right

New Day

I ran 6x8:00, trying to keep up with a 1:40-1:48 pace but really only achieving 1:48 for the first half and dropping back to 2:00 at the end. Tired! This workout is about 9 miles in total! I read the Paleo Diet for the formula for a recovery drink.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Weekend

I was in Newport for the weekend for a niece's graduation and it is beautiful country. I ran 3x10:00 at as best as 1:48 pace as I could imagine, I was on the road outside the hotel. I ran 2 hours to try to get as close to 10 miles as possible on Sunday. Farmland, turkeys and deer, salt air, just beautiful. Anyway I read Mackie Shilstone's Fat Burning Bible, drink Wegman's gatorade, and buy whey protein at Costco.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Keeping Up

I ran 5x5:00 on Tuesday at 1:40-1:48 lap pace with 3:00 easy in-between and a mile warmup and cooldown. I was tired from the weekend. I barely made the pace but I did! I am wondering if I am not successfully "training up" to this distance that I've been doing for 4 weeks now. I wonder if it is one of those overall capacity for work things, like when Lance Armstrong wasn't able to win until he went from 180 to 160 because of his body's maximum capacity for work endurance at each weight. I also can't expect what I'll feel like the same or next day. After this near defeat at the effort on Tuesday, I felt great the next day. But at night last night for an easy 8 miles, I eked out a walk and that was all. I lifted my one time a week in the morning, that was probably why. I DID do very well in intervals this morning. So much of the unexpected, maybe this is a favorable omen. I'm shocking my body out of the routine that's for sure. But it is definitely up for it. My legs aren't dead, that's different. I am only specifically tired for a particular workout and there is usually a specific reason (the last workout). I learned my neighbor is doing Washington like me and is trying to do 3:35. So I'll have a pace partner, another favorable omen. Jim is moving up to longer intervals, 6x8:00's and 3x10's, and so will I.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Picking It Up

I'm following Jim Dolan's blog in Runners World and his marathon training routine in 2008. This weekend, I ran 10x400 on Saturday and was fast, running 1:25's to 1:30's because they felt right, and my goal was 1:34's to 1:38's. Then I ran 10 miles easy on Sunday, and felt good enough to pick it up from the probably 12:00's I was running to maybe 10:00's for about a mile or two in the second half. But I bonked somewhere in there and dropped back. I think what made the extra energy possible is missing an 8-mile easy run last Wednesday due to work. My weight is still up, for me is at 209. All is still well, I feel good and can handle the sudden new routine.